International Patch Skiing Association (IPSA)

International Patch Skiing Association (IPSA)

International Patch Skiing Association (IPSA)International Patch Skiing Association (IPSA)International Patch Skiing Association (IPSA)

IPSA Definition of a Patch

A 'patch' is a snow field where you can make a minimum of five consecutive carved turns (i.e. something you can actually ski on). Anything less is just a pile of old snow!

Big Patch



Little Patch



Not a Patch



You need snow


Patches? We don't need no stinking patches!

… and some skis!



A Little History



We have been patch skiing on and off since the late 80’s. In fact, we got engaged while patch skiing in Rocky Mountain National Park.

Patch skiing was a great way to break up the summer with good friends and others who have a passion for skiing. It was generally an all-day activity with drinks and a BBQ at the end of a wonderful day filled with stories and great memories. The 4th of July usually marked the end of patch skiing season for us.

This year, Colorado had an amazing snow year. When Breckenridge extended the ski season into June, we decided we had to try and ski 12 months in a row in the state of Colorado.

To make it more interesting, we made up the International Patch Skiing Association (IPSA) (not a real organization... yet) in hopes others will join us in what has become an amazing summer adventure!